Boarding gate 47
Year of production: 2019
Size: 2000L x 3000W x 2700H mm
Materials: Stainless steel, Marble
Introduction of works:
The huge whales inhale and exhale, taking the rough with the smooth. They swim freely across the ocean and all around the world. It is like they were born with a lofty vision to see the wonders of the world and explore new knowledge. During the process of their exciting adventure, they discover new things and their life becomes positively blooming.
Abstract techniques are used to create the posture of two whales jumping out of the water. The whale’s body is decorated with a wavy pattern in a leisurely manner, which is a defining characteristic of my own paintings. It is as if you come to the airport with your best companion and set off to a new corner of the planet to learn new things and explore the beautiful world.

Art Display Master Plan in Hong Kong International Airport

登機閘 47
創作年份: 2019
尺寸: 2000L x 3000W x 2700H mm
物料: 不鏽鋼、大理石