Art created by Raymond Pang
succesful II
Media: Pottery
Material: Handmade stoneware 1160*C
Size: 170W x 170D x 290H mm
完 滿
物料:手工炻器 1160*C
尺寸:170W x 170D x 290H mm

Dark clouds
Materials: Bamboo strips, Chinese ink, adhesive paper
Size : 6000W x 600D x 5000H mm
Introduction of works:
Hundreds of meters of bamboo strips are connected together, painted with Chinese ink, as if the ink is floating and condensing in the air. Each knot joins together to form a utopia, like clouds blowing in the wind.

烏 雲
尺寸: 6000W x 600D x 5000H mm
數百公尺的竹篾相連,用中國水墨繪製,如墨漂浮在空氣中凝結。 每個結連在一起,形成一個烏托邦,就像風中飄揚的雲彩。

Rotate surging trace
Materials: copper, wood, mechanical, Polylactic acid(PLA)
Size : 2000W x 500D x 2000H mm
Introduction of works:
This is an artwork inspired by my experience in Triathlon.
I reassemble my racing bike, long time but now retired
partner, with copper, wood and motor, to bring it back to life.

尺寸: 2000W x 500D x 2000H mm
SECRET DRAWERS (45 year ago drawers)
Media: Device interactive media
Materials: oil pen on wood, bamboo, hemp rope, copper tube, paper, projector
Size : 415W x 500D x 900H mm
Introduction of works:
SECRET DRAWERS / Whether it is in its physical or virtual form, everyone will have a secret drawer, a place to keep the most precious memories or a dream that you once had. It could be the teddy bear from your granny, a lighter that belonged to your ex, an umbrella or just a telephone number. Secret drawer is an open invitation from Raymond Pang, inviting you to peep into his world through his art pieces and at the same time sharing yours and walking down the memory lane together.
You are invited to upload a photo of your drawer on instagram #raymondsecretdrawers


思 處 ( 四十五年油木抽屜 )
尺寸: 415W x 500D x 900H mm
思處 / 每個人都會有一個有形或無形的秘密抽屜,裡面裝載著各式各樣的物件,可能是心愛的毛毛熊、前度用過的火機 、一把雨傘以至一個電話號碼,這些都是我們的回憶和夢想的印記。彭氏透過他的作品邀請各位一同窺探他的內心世界,同時在是次展覽中加入互動原素,希望與你共同踏上思想旅程。
誠邀各位上載你的抽屜相片到 Instagram #思處 或 #raymondsecretdrawers
Media : Drawing
Material: gold, sliver, white drawing pen on black paper
Dimensions: 510W x 420H mm (including frame)
尺寸:510W x 420H mm(包括框架)

Boarding gate 47
Year of production: 2019
Size: 2000L x 3000W x 2700H mm
Materials: Stainless steel, Marble
Introduction of works:
The huge whales inhale and exhale, taking the rough with the smooth. They swim freely across the ocean and all around the world. It is like they were born with a lofty vision to see the wonders of the world and explore new knowledge. During the process of their exciting adventure, they discover new things and their life becomes positively blooming.
Abstract techniques are used to create the posture of two whales jumping out of the water. The whale’s body is decorated with a wavy pattern in a leisurely manner, which is a defining characteristic of my own paintings. It is as if you come to the airport with your best companion and set off to a new corner of the planet to learn new things and explore the beautiful world.

Art Display Master Plan in Hong Kong International Airport

登機閘 47
創作年份: 2019
尺寸: 2000L x 3000W x 2700H mm
物料: 不鏽鋼、大理石
Blooming II
Boarding gate 35
Year of production: 2019
Size: 750L x 1300W x 1850H mm
Materials: Stainless steel
Introduction of works:
In my mind, dreaming is no different from exploring. They are both novel and exciting. In the process, new things can always be discovered. Unlike “Blooming Heart I”, “Blooming Heart II” is made of different materials. Different materials bring out different views and interpretations, which guide our lives in different directions and bring out more choices, thus making our life bloom in a positive way.
The head is made of stainless steel, and the sound sleeping state is created with abstract techniques. The back is like a dream designed with a wavy pattern in a leisurely manner, which is a defining characteristic of my paintings. It is as if you now come to the airport to set off to a new corner of the world, while your inner strength is rekindled to see the beauty of the world.

Art Display Master Plan in Hong Kong International Airport

心花怒放 II
登機閘 35
創作年份: 2019
尺寸: 750L x 1300W x 1850H mm
物料: 不鏽鋼
在我心目中,做夢與探索沒有兩樣,都是新奇而刺激。在那過程中總能找到不一樣的新鮮事。與「心花怒放 I」分別之處,是「心花怒放II」採用了不同材料製作而成。不同物料帶出不同看法與解讀,令接下來的人生有著不同的方向與選擇,因而大放異彩。
Blooming I
Boarding gate 33
Year of production: 2019
Size: 750L x 1300W x 1850H mm
Materials: Copper, Mosaic, Cement, Stainless steel
Introduction of works:
Trapped in a rapidly changing city, people are absorbed in very dull work, day in, and day out, and begin to lose their creativity. Go exploring the outside world! This might help you rekindle your inner strength and drive away your fatigue. There might also be unexpected surprises which come along the way.
The head of this artwork is abstractly shaped, with its facial ripples being collaged with colourful mosaic tiles. The back is a copper plate made to show some wavy pattern in a leisurely manner, which is a defining characteristic of my paintings. It is as if every passenger passing by the airport will be led by these colourful mosaics to relax their minds and forget all the dullness and troubles before they greet another wonderful journey.

Art Display Master Plan in Hong Kong International Airport

心花怒放 I
登機閘 33
創作年份: 2019
尺寸:750L x 1300W x 1850H mm
物料: 銅、馬賽克、水泥、不鏽鋼
Surging Trace V, VI
Year of production: 2018
Material : Engrave on acrylic sheet, Japanese paper, Metal Leaf
Size : 1150W x 410H x 40D mm (including frame)
Introduction of works:
The colorless waves, the floating foam reflected with front lights, are mimicking the movements of waves in nature.
浪 縷 V, VI
創作年份: 2018
物料:膠片刻繪, 日本和紙, 金屬箔
尺寸: 1150濶 x 410高 x 40厚(毫米)(包畫框)
“別後絲絲縷縷的愁,淚光如同從心裡剪下的一朵思念,絲縷 還開著花”