


Boarding gate 47

Year of production:  2019

Size: 2000L x 3000W x 2700H mm

Materials:  Stainless steel, Marble

Introduction of works:  

The huge whales inhale and exhale, taking the rough with the smooth. They swim freely across the ocean and all around the world. It is like they were born with a lofty vision to see the wonders of the world and explore new knowledge. During the process of their exciting adventure, they discover new things and their life becomes positively blooming.

Abstract techniques are used to create the posture of two whales jumping out of the water. The whale’s body is decorated with a wavy pattern in a leisurely manner, which is a defining characteristic of my own paintings. It is as if you come to the airport with your best companion and set off to a new corner of the planet to learn new things and explore the beautiful world.

Art Display Master Plan in Hong Kong International Airport


登機閘 47

創作年份: 2019

尺寸: 2000L x 3000W x 2700H mm

物料: 不鏽鋼、大理石





Blooming II

Boarding gate 35

Year of production:  2019

Size: 750L x 1300W x 1850H mm

Materials:  Stainless steel

Introduction of works:  

In my mind, dreaming is no different from exploring. They are both novel and exciting. In the process, new things can always be discovered. Unlike “Blooming Heart I”, “Blooming Heart II” is made of different materials. Different materials bring out different views and interpretations, which guide our lives in different directions and bring out more choices, thus making our life bloom in a positive way.

The head is made of stainless steel, and the sound sleeping state is created with abstract techniques. The back is like a dream designed with a wavy pattern in a leisurely manner, which is a defining characteristic of my paintings. It is as if you now come to the airport to set off to a new corner of the world, while your inner strength is rekindled to see the beauty of the world.

Blooming II
Blooming II

Art Display Master Plan in Hong Kong International Airport

Blooming II

心花怒放 II

登機閘 35

創作年份: 2019

尺寸: 750L x 1300W x 1850H mm

物料: 不鏽鋼


在我心目中,做夢與探索沒有兩樣,都是新奇而刺激。在那過程中總能找到不一樣的新鮮事。與「心花怒放 I」分別之處,是「心花怒放II」採用了不同材料製作而成。不同物料帶出不同看法與解讀,令接下來的人生有著不同的方向與選擇,因而大放異彩。



Blooming I

Boarding gate 33

Year of production:  2019

Size: 750L x 1300W x 1850H mm

Materials:  Copper, Mosaic, Cement, Stainless steel

Introduction of works:  

Trapped in a rapidly changing city, people are absorbed in very dull work, day in, and day out, and begin to lose their creativity. Go exploring the outside world! This might help you rekindle your inner strength and drive away your fatigue. There might also be unexpected surprises which come along the way.

The head of this artwork is abstractly shaped, with its facial ripples being collaged with colourful mosaic tiles. The back is a copper plate made to show some wavy pattern in a leisurely manner, which is a defining characteristic of my paintings. It is as if every passenger passing by the airport will be led by these colourful mosaics to relax their minds and forget all the dullness and troubles before they greet another wonderful journey.

Blooming I

Art Display Master Plan in Hong Kong International Airport

心花怒放 I

登機閘 33

創作年份: 2019

尺寸:750L x 1300W x 1850H mm

物料: 銅、馬賽克、水泥、不鏽鋼





Coral in Bloom II

Media : Drawing

Material : White drawing pen on black paper

Size: 710w x 1010h mm (including frame)

盛放的珊瑚 II



尺寸:710W x 1010H mm(包括框架)

Coral spawning II


Dream to Dream

Materials:  oil pen, metal leaf on wood

Size:  400D x 2450W x 230H mm

Introduction of works:  

“Dream” was inspired by my dream – while I was pondering on my next move, I dreamt of myself afloat in the sea, where a shimmering light appeared and guided me to the shore. “Dream” reminds me there is always hope. This is the first piece of work that cross over wood sculpture and my favorite line drawing.



尺寸: 400D x 2450W x 230H mm


追夢是揉合了雕塑與及我最喜愛的線畫。靈感源自我的夢境 – 當我在茫茫大海中找不到出路之際,海面泛起幾片鱗光指引去路。一覺醒來,感到無限安慰,便馬上動手將夢境演化成追夢,提醒自己在如何迷失之時都會找到出路。


Fleur de Miror V ,VI,VII,VIII

Year of production:  2017

Material   :  Mirror, Oil Pen, Metal Leaf on Wood

Size  : 500W x 500H x 50D mm

Introduction of works:  

Time- and tide-like flowers in the mirror.

Like flowers in the mirror, like a moon in the water, untouchable elusive scene.


創作年份: 2017


尺寸: 500濶 x 500高 x 50厚(毫米)








Fleur de miroir V
Fleur de Miror V
Fleur de miroir VI
Fleur de Miror VI
Fleur de miroir VII
Fleur de Miror VII
Fleur de miroir VIII
Fleur de Miror VIII



Media: Pottery

Material: Handmade stoneware 1160oC

Size: 80W x 80D x  280H mm





尺寸:80(寬) x 80(深) x 280(高) 毫米 


The Whale

Media: Installation

Materials: Bamboo sticks, cyperus tegetiformis, wood, plastic, projector machinery

Display area: 8000W x 6000D mm

Introduction of works:  

I always have a close bond with the ocean and whales and only through recent research I come to know that whale is a symbol of inner voice and creativity.  Hence, I have dedicated this installation to my first solo exhibition.

“The whale” is composed of two parts, the tail is a wooden sculpture which is one of my beloved piece among my earliest work.  Whereas the body is made of bamboo sticks, this is a form of Chinese traditional art which I was very lucky to learn from the few experienced professionals in Hong Kong, and I hope this traditional handicraft can carry on. 

Mr. Pang’s whale made from bamboo strips has no tail, and the head seems to be searching for a tail carved from wood. During the difficult self-rescue process, he was unfortunately swallowed up by discarded plastic that people fell into the sea.



顯示面積:8000W x 6000D mm




彭氏用竹條製作的鯨魚沒有尾部,頭部似乎在尋找木頭雕刻的鯨尾。 在艱難的自救過程中,不幸被人們落入海中的廢棄塑膠吞沒。


Creative x License II

Media: Sculpture

Material: Marble

Size: 180D x 400W x 570H mm

The crevasses of the fish skeleton and stone is indistinguishable. They were amalgamated intrinsically, and formed an eternal beauty.

隨心x所欲 II



尺寸: 180D x 400W x 570H mm


Creative x License II


Sleeping I,II

Media: Sculpture

Material: I- Copper, II-Stainless steel

Size: 200D x 300W x 150H mm

睡覺 I,II

媒體 : 雕塑

物料: I-銅, II-不鏽鋼

尺寸:200D x 300W x 150H mm

Sleeping II
Sleeping I
Sleeping I