SECRET DRAWERS (45 year ago drawers)
Media: Device interactive media
Materials: oil pen on wood, bamboo, hemp rope, copper tube, paper, projector
Size : 415W x 500D x 900H mm
Introduction of works:
SECRET DRAWERS / Whether it is in its physical or virtual form, everyone will have a secret drawer, a place to keep the most precious memories or a dream that you once had. It could be the teddy bear from your granny, a lighter that belonged to your ex, an umbrella or just a telephone number. Secret drawer is an open invitation from Raymond Pang, inviting you to peep into his world through his art pieces and at the same time sharing yours and walking down the memory lane together.
You are invited to upload a photo of your drawer on instagram #raymondsecretdrawers


思 處 ( 四十五年油木抽屜 )
尺寸: 415W x 500D x 900H mm
思處 / 每個人都會有一個有形或無形的秘密抽屜,裡面裝載著各式各樣的物件,可能是心愛的毛毛熊、前度用過的火機 、一把雨傘以至一個電話號碼,這些都是我們的回憶和夢想的印記。彭氏透過他的作品邀請各位一同窺探他的內心世界,同時在是次展覽中加入互動原素,希望與你共同踏上思想旅程。
誠邀各位上載你的抽屜相片到 Instagram #思處 或 #raymondsecretdrawers